Another Song Idea

God has been doing a major work in my heart over the past few years in the issue of love. I've hurt people in the past and people have hurt me, but God has taught me through the pain the value of a tremendous friend. I want to be that friend to so many people. I've realized I cannot be everybody's close friends and compadre, but God really does help me to love those who I am close to already. I hope you guys enjoy the lyrics here. I heard a Jeff Black b-sides song that this will be very similar to. It will be a raw guitar or piano song with quite a bit of soul (if I can produce much soul. . . that is a good point):

I’ll be your friend
I’ll be your brother
I’ll be your strength
In times of need
I’ll hold your hand
In times of struggle
I will not let
Not let you down

When the world has torn your soul
I will lift your head
Come share with me your struggles
I will not let
Not let you down
I will not let
Not let you down

I’ll be there in
The bright blue mornings
I’ll be there in
The scary nights
I’ll try my best
To be your brother
I will not let
Not let you down

When the world has torn your soul
I will lift your head
Come share with me your struggles
I will not let
Not let you down
I will not let
Not let you down

Grace and Peace,

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