In my opinion

I really believe God is leading me down a road to rethink a ton of what some may consider “core” boundaries and values. I don’t think it is up to me to define these things; I do think it is up to God to influence our hearts to move these things around in an organic way (by organic I meant to say in a way that grows over time with maturity). God is the one thing I can rely on to change me into the kind of person who can rely on me. In a day where terms like “open theism” and “relativism” are buzz-words, I’ve got to find some solidarity. Instead of, however, praying for God to help me establish my opinions on issues, I’m going to pray for God to change the core of my heart to allow growth of the good stuff and death to the bad stuff. Homosexuality, abortion, social justice and economic stability are only echoes of the big problem. I need to make sure the intention of my heart is in the right place; here I am going to take an issue God has been dealing with me and show you what I’m talking about.

Generosity. A buddy of mine posted his facebook status “generosity is not just measured by what you give, but also by how you react when things you have are taken from you involuntarily” (that wasn’t the exact quote, but work with me here). I love my iPod and my laptop, but if these things were stolen from me how would I react? This stuff I utilize and value so much is not where I put my happiness and hope. In fact, stuff really can’t be a place anything can be placed besides more stuff. I need to learn how to place my affections in things that are not biodegradable, and I’m not talking about Styrofoam. If I place my affections in God and in people, my purchases and budget will reflect those values.

In all honesty, a general focus on love, prayer and devotion have changed my view on many issues. Maybe I shouldn’t say they’ve changed my views, but helped me realize what the true issues are. Before approaching any of these subjects we have got to realign our hearts and thoughts with Jesus’. Rowan Williams said this on the topic of homosexuality in the church: 
I don't believe inclusion is a value in itself. Welcome is. We don't say 'Come in and we ask no questions'. I do believe conversion means conversion of habits, behaviors, ideas, emotions. The boundaries are determined by what it means to be loyal to Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to be loyal to Jesus Christ? Love God, and love everybody. When I work toward these goals, everything else comes into line. What does this look like? John Gill put it well by saying, “in like manner should men love their neighbors, in things temporal do them all the good they can, and do no injury to their persons or property; and in things spiritual pray for them, instruct them, and advise as they would their own souls, or their nearest and dearest relations.” I have never thought to pray, instruct and advise people as I would my own soul. I have roamed downtown and the various lakes around town searching for solace and comfort for myself, but I have never thought to put that same effort to seek those things for others. I have never thought to sit someone down and pray and delve and struggle through their life issues in the same method I do my own. In all this mumbo jumbo, I am trying to point the controversy back to Jesus. Instead of defining and chiseling our opinions to judge others we should allow love to form our opinions for us.

Grace and Peace,

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