The Politics of Dancing

We can’t always get along. I have such a strong desire to build community and a sense of family with everyone around me, but some days I feel alone and depressed when surrounded by the family I have worked so hard to help build (not saying I’m the originator of a community, but more of a co-builder). I forget that despite our glorious and innocent intentions we are all people who make mistakes and feel different from day to day based on the random events of our lives. Sometimes a well intended friendship turns into something much more than it should have been. Deep feelings lead to a sense of family which could lead to something “deeper” (I’m still not fond of that terminology). Next thing you know, you lose that very sense of family you set out to find. A friendship, which should have been just that, has turned into an intricate plan to take over the world. . . or at least somebody’s deep affections. Now the community runs the risk of becoming political instead of organic. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but what I am trying to accomplish is acknowledge the issue and see how we can address it.

Jesus addressed this issue (go figure). He looked at his buds and asks what they talked about during a walk between towns. . . Silence followed . . . they were kinda embarrassed about the fact they were trying to figure out who was the tightest with Jesus. He looked at them and told them to chill and instead of trying to be the bestest of best friends with him they should serve others. I like this approach. I find myself being given more responsibility when I serve than when I try to be buddy buddy with those in rank above me.

In a real world, we are driven by real issues like a deep need to belong to a group of people or a sense of security or even a desire to make babies. I don’t think it is wrong to accept these truths, but they need to be balanced correctly. When you desire for wealth overwhelms a person there is less room for community in their life. When making babies (if you only knew the face that I make when I type that term “making babies”) becomes out of balance, security and community could easily be destroyed or dismissed. When a desire to build community becomes a chore you can easily sacrifice the baby making and the money making for others (which I know many a great person to accomplish, not my personal route). I think Jesus wanted us to figure out we can gain all the things we really need when we live in this balance, and the best way to find this balance is to love all people in whatever capacity fits you best.

The politics of dancing
The politics of ooh feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
If this message is understood

Grace and Peace,

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