Blah, blah, blah

I feel like I am repeating myself.

Not that repetition is a bad thing, but for the last 2000 years I feel like I have been repeating myself. I feel like I have been stuck in the same jargon and the same circle of thought forever. I speak a language that is only natural because my surroundings. There are quite a few people who don’t understand what I say or talk about. There are a lot of people who don’t know what I am talking about now. . .

I’m talking about first century Christian. I know a ton of people who talk it, but I wonder how other people thing about what they are saying. I speak of a grace, but what does that mean to somebody else. When I say washed in the blood, this statement might be a bit peculiar to some (although it might be cool to watch a movie with a blood bath!!!! That’s hardcore!). I hate the fact that I am stuck with first century clichés to explain the deep yearning in my soul for people. I hate that I have a problem communicating to people who don’t have a bit of interest in God, people who have no desire to go to a Sunday school class.

I was approached with a thought the other day that I didn’t quite agree with. For years I’ve heard, “the message never changes, but the methods do.” I heard somebody say the message had to change. Maybe I should go and preach and make disciples and baptize? Maybe I should go and talk to people and create a family of friends and love them. The heart and soul of what Jesus did all those years ago is still alive in all we live and breathe, please don’t misunderstand me. I’m just curious to see what this looks like today. I’m sure it takes on many different forms; there are so many different people on the face of the planet. I heard Rich Mullins say that if you took what every Christian movement from every country in the world that every verse in the Bible would be underlined. So why must I be stuck with what I’ve been taught since I was born? Why must I be set to think what a church looks like? Why must I be set to think what a “real” Christian fellow or fellowess looks like? Granted there are some things that are blatant and obvious. Actions should be immersed in love for community and God; actions should also be agreeable to what resources we have access to today (the Bible, teachings from theologians, mistakes and success made by others in the past).

I’m just tired of being stuck. I’m ready to learn. I’m ready to learn a new language. I’m ready to think differently then I think now (not leaving my thoughts and ideals altogether, but viewing things from an additional perspective).

I’m ready to awaken from the moonlit sky and find my sunrise!

Grace and Peace,

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