My Liberator

I’ve been exploring Jesus lately. I’ve been trying to strip away most of my preconceived notions and view Jesus in his historical context and how his name has been echoed over the centuries. The next step in my heart was to try and explain this story’s impact on my life and in the lives of so many people in a way that made sense to any average Metilda or Bruce on the side of the road. Here is what I have come up with in this season of my life: My Liberator!

In Jesus’ time everybody was awaiting a said, “Messiah.” This person was going to set the Jewish people free of political and religious (remember, in those days political was religious. . . secular was spiritual. . . the Jewish laws dictated their lives). There were a few political messiahs, but Jesus tried to do something a bit deeper than those Messiahs. Like a bugle call before an epic battle, the message of Jesus was that of liberation from political oppression, religious oppression, and life oppression! He spoke of times to come where people would be valuable in the eyes of their God. Jesus spoke of a God who would not let them walk through life alone, but would comfort His people like a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer. Jesus, unlike the other messiahs of his day, was not going to prove this politically. This was difficult for some of the people of his day. Jesus was going to set people free in a deeper way. He was going to liberate people for all time: past, present, and future!

When I think of Jesus, I think of Jesus Christ, Jesus the Messiah, Jesus my Liberator (all these terms mean the same thing)! He was the one who showed me how to live a life that was well balanced and full of peace, faith, and love towards all people (even those who would try to kill me). The thought of Jesus and His story (the Gospel in Christian jargon) makes me aware of how people feel about their lives. It was likened to an awakening from a death-like sleep. I suddenly have a deep yearning for those around me and the state of their lives. I want to be like Jesus and show others what it is like to live such a balanced life that has global implications. The crazy thing is I don’t want the fame for living such a life. I’m pretty sure I would suck all that applause up and take the credit. I want to point back to the story that liberated my soul to action. Jesus my Liberator!

I pray that the depth of these words pierce your soul and cause you to search out this story yourself from a different perspective.


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