The best muffin EVER!

So I have just had the best muffin I’ve ever had in my life! I didn’t expect it from a place I spent six or seven years of my life. I am speechless!

Aside from that, I check out my church in Marianna yesterday. It was a bit of a surprise for them and for me. I wanted to surprise my parents for father’s day, but I also wanted to explore what exactly it was about that church on the outskirts of this small city that makes it so great and attractive. I wanted to view it from a different perspective.

When I walked in the doors I was greeted and directed by a man who had only been to the church a month or two before I left for Lakeland. He and his wife were involved and excited to greet people into their gathering place! How exciting! When people started to recognize me, I got many different reactions. Most people greet with the high pitched, “Oh, Josh! Wow, you look good! What is that on your face?” One particular buddy of mine I greeted with a hug from the back. He had no idea I was coming to town; when he looked back to see who was doing this to him, he got all excited and gave me a huge hug. Out of nowhere I was picked up by another guy who swung me in many circles. Then he rubbed my face for good luck (people just can’t keep their hands off the beard . . . maybe this could be a good thing!). I looked around and saw the usual faces, but they were not alone. Most of the usual faces brought new faces, new people with new stories and new problems.

Worship was first on the order of service. It was a great, heartfelt expression of adoration toward God. Between worship sets there were the usual video announcements (well pretty unusual for most churches). Right after announcements was “family time.” This was when the entire sanctuary went from an organized group of people not straying from their seats into this huge blob of hand shaking and conversation. Pastor found me during this time and shared in the new tradition of rubbing my sacred facial hair.

The sermon was articulate and excellent. God’s word was expressed to His people in a manner that spoke to them. It was convicting and easily understandable. There was no loftiness of theological terminology to completely baffle the masses of one man’s understanding of scripture. It did, however, challenge the masses to change (more specifically change the way they pray in this service). After the sermon, people were invited to pray with the board members and staff about their struggles and frustrations. It was beautiful!

I can’t say that I could view the service without recalling the years and years I spent in this community. At one point I looked around for a specific person who I admire and pray for constantly. I saw him, and began to cry. I started to question God in my mind about why He lets some stay in the same struggle for years and years. I wanted to know why God didn’t just come through and liberate this man from his environment. Right after my mind had come to rest we began to sing a song about Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross. It was a story of grace and mercy. It contained the story of forgiveness and how a life can be so messed up and twisted can be straightened up and drawn to a new way of thinking and living. It was an amazing moment.

All and all it was a good visit. There were a few bumps in the road . . . but that is a different story altogether. It seems as if no trip to Marianna has been without its craziness; that just makes life fun and exciting.


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