chocolate cake

Can I seriously be the change. . .

What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What does it smell like?
I’ll tell you what it tastes like. . . chocolate cake! That’s right, chocolate cake. I’m eating it right now, and it is good!

In all seriousness, I have been reading some books that have inspired me to change. The first and foremost would probably be the Bible. Great book! The second would be everything must change by Brian McLaren. I’m not much of an emergent movement fan, but the just of this book is well founded in Jesus’ Gospel message. He proposes that the Gospel was for the living more so than the dead. Being a “born again” believer does not mean that you simply get into heaven, but it does mean that you work to bring the Kingdom of God here to the current day. What does this mean or look like? I’m glad you asked!

A guy graduated school and needed to stay for a week while he got his new apartment in order. Some of my buddies know this guy and ask me if he can stay at my apartment. I trust these guys and welcome him with open arms. The two of us now have a deep and meaningful friendship, and he is currently returning the favor to me by letting me crash at his place while I get my living situation in order. Imagine two guys who have never met are now great friends practically overnight. This is a great example of God’s Kingdom here today. It is a personification of love and faith! I want to be able to provide a place for more guys in his situation. This is how I can be the change here and now. I don’t have to wait until I get into a position financially to give into some well intended ministry (although I still give into many well intended ministries), but I can offer people a practical service here and now.

“The Kingdom” could range from an intense effort to end poverty in your local city to doing something as simple as making somebody smile. We all must find exactly what we can offer our neighbors today. Everybody has something they can do. Do it! Have a conversation with a stranger (be wise who you talk to and what you say)! Take an overwhelmed friend out for a relaxing evening! Make an extra effort to send a buddy a text message that is encouraging or truthful! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! You might get hurt, but God offers healing for the broken hearted.

One more thing, let’s not do this for a few weeks or months. Let’s learn what it takes to create true long lasting friendships where you have fun, but you also hurt and get hurt together. Let’s live together! Good and bad. This is going down a bit of a different road altogether, so I won’t run down this rabbit trail.

Guys, I hope God inspires you to do something over the next few days that brings his kingdom here to the earth! Give somebody a piece of chocolate cake (unless they are lactose intolerant, then that would be a bad thing. . . or if they didn’t like chocolate. . . or if they were diabetic. . . you get the point)!


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