intro to summer

I’m sitting down at work right now listing to the first song of summer and thinking about summer. I’m thinking about all the people I’ve met over the last season and how the new season is going to affect our respective friendships. Some of us have grown closer, some of us have grown further apart. I’m thinking about all the reading I’m set to do over the summer. I’ve recently purchased a couple Brian McLaren books and some on church history. I want to see what changes happened in respect to sociological changes. I’m thinking about where I’m going to live and work, and all these things are just floating up in the air slowly drifting to the ground in their own spectrum of time.

The one thing I do sense for certain is peace. I have peace that everything will come together in due time. I am overjoyed to have such a peace that makes no sense in my current situation.
Today I bid farewell to K-4 and the previous season and embrace whatever may come. I can’t wait to see what happens next!


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