Archive for August 2008

The Politics of Dancing

We can’t always get along. I have such a strong desire to build community and a sense of family with everyone around me, but some days I feel alone and depressed when surrounded by the family I have worked so hard to help build (not saying I’m the originator of a community, but more of a co-builder). I forget that despite our glorious and innocent intentions we are all people who make mistakes and feel different from day to day based on the random events of our lives. Sometimes a well intended friendship turns into something much more than it should have been. Deep feelings lead to a sense of family which could lead to something “deeper” (I’m still not fond of that terminology). Next thing you know, you lose that very sense of family you set out to find. A friendship, which should have been just that, has turned into an intricate plan to take over the world. . . or at least somebody’s deep affections. Now the community runs the risk of becoming political instead of organic. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but what I am trying to accomplish is acknowledge the issue and see how we can address it.

Jesus addressed this issue (go figure). He looked at his buds and asks what they talked about during a walk between towns. . . Silence followed . . . they were kinda embarrassed about the fact they were trying to figure out who was the tightest with Jesus. He looked at them and told them to chill and instead of trying to be the bestest of best friends with him they should serve others. I like this approach. I find myself being given more responsibility when I serve than when I try to be buddy buddy with those in rank above me.

In a real world, we are driven by real issues like a deep need to belong to a group of people or a sense of security or even a desire to make babies. I don’t think it is wrong to accept these truths, but they need to be balanced correctly. When you desire for wealth overwhelms a person there is less room for community in their life. When making babies (if you only knew the face that I make when I type that term “making babies”) becomes out of balance, security and community could easily be destroyed or dismissed. When a desire to build community becomes a chore you can easily sacrifice the baby making and the money making for others (which I know many a great person to accomplish, not my personal route). I think Jesus wanted us to figure out we can gain all the things we really need when we live in this balance, and the best way to find this balance is to love all people in whatever capacity fits you best.

The politics of dancing
The politics of ooh feeling good
The politics of moving, aha
If this message is understood

Grace and Peace,

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My Liberator

I’ve been exploring Jesus lately. I’ve been trying to strip away most of my preconceived notions and view Jesus in his historical context and how his name has been echoed over the centuries. The next step in my heart was to try and explain this story’s impact on my life and in the lives of so many people in a way that made sense to any average Metilda or Bruce on the side of the road. Here is what I have come up with in this season of my life: My Liberator!

In Jesus’ time everybody was awaiting a said, “Messiah.” This person was going to set the Jewish people free of political and religious (remember, in those days political was religious. . . secular was spiritual. . . the Jewish laws dictated their lives). There were a few political messiahs, but Jesus tried to do something a bit deeper than those Messiahs. Like a bugle call before an epic battle, the message of Jesus was that of liberation from political oppression, religious oppression, and life oppression! He spoke of times to come where people would be valuable in the eyes of their God. Jesus spoke of a God who would not let them walk through life alone, but would comfort His people like a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer. Jesus, unlike the other messiahs of his day, was not going to prove this politically. This was difficult for some of the people of his day. Jesus was going to set people free in a deeper way. He was going to liberate people for all time: past, present, and future!

When I think of Jesus, I think of Jesus Christ, Jesus the Messiah, Jesus my Liberator (all these terms mean the same thing)! He was the one who showed me how to live a life that was well balanced and full of peace, faith, and love towards all people (even those who would try to kill me). The thought of Jesus and His story (the Gospel in Christian jargon) makes me aware of how people feel about their lives. It was likened to an awakening from a death-like sleep. I suddenly have a deep yearning for those around me and the state of their lives. I want to be like Jesus and show others what it is like to live such a balanced life that has global implications. The crazy thing is I don’t want the fame for living such a life. I’m pretty sure I would suck all that applause up and take the credit. I want to point back to the story that liberated my soul to action. Jesus my Liberator!

I pray that the depth of these words pierce your soul and cause you to search out this story yourself from a different perspective.


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If I were only Jewish. . .

I couldn’t imagine being a first century Jew. My life would have one constant theme of God, religion, politics, and life. . . it was all the same to these people, there was no separation. There were political and religious zealots that have carried my people through these hard times with tenacity and harsh words against the Romans. There were also these political and religious sticklers that taught and interpreted the laws of old. They weren’t much for zealotousness (work with me here) but were still very anti-Roman empire. Everybody was against the government, but nobody was accomplishing much; the Romans had their stuff together. They ruled the world!

Jesus had this conversation with the disciples about this very subject. He looked at these people and asked them who they thought he was. One guy speaks up and declared Jesus to be the one who would liberate them from “the man” (I know it’s a stretch, but that really is what he said). Jesus put a little gold star by the man’s name on the goodie board. Then Jesus tells the folks he’s going back to Jerusalem to get thrown in prison, flogged, and die the worst of all deaths. This makes no sense. How can the very man that was to set them free from Roman oppression (and to them all oppression for all time) be thrown in prison, flogged, and die the worst of all deaths? He should be getting some funds together to purchase some tanks, bazookas, and some good old American-made nuclear weaponry (ha, ha, ha, ha. . . had to throw that one in there)! The same guy who declared Jesus the liberator says he would never let that happen. Jesus busts out the ruler and thwarts the guy on the proverbial hand. Jesus was trying to tell them he had a much greater purpose than temporary political oppression. Jesus came to change the deep rooted thinking process of the time. He wanted to show them there was a way to stand up for what you believe in without attacking by a physical force but instead attack with a loving and well-balanced life. He didn’t want them to back down from political tension, but he didn’t want them to start lashing out with harsh words or arms. The only documented physical force Jesus used against anyone was not the oppressive empire, but against the political and religious sticklers who were abusing the laws of old (these laws were not like today’s laws, they told people what to eat or not eat or even when to plant seed or not plant seed. . . every aspect of their lives were based on these laws these few men had the “right” to interpret).

I guess all I’m getting at is this message of Jesus and the great declaration Peter made in the gospel of Jesus being the Christ and Son of God might have been a bit misunderstood. Maybe there is a deeper implication here or a deeper message to be heard and delved in to. Maybe there is a better way to settle a dispute of oppression without kicking somebody in the crotch. Did the Paul ever kill any of the Roman guards or civic leaders when he was thrown in prison or flogged? He did accept the punishment dealt to him, and he even found a way to turn that frown upside-down by channeling the pain into hope and joy. That takes me a few more places that would be better left for another time. . . another time. . .

Think about it! Pray about it! Test the waters, and tell me what you think.



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Blah, blah, blah

I feel like I am repeating myself.

Not that repetition is a bad thing, but for the last 2000 years I feel like I have been repeating myself. I feel like I have been stuck in the same jargon and the same circle of thought forever. I speak a language that is only natural because my surroundings. There are quite a few people who don’t understand what I say or talk about. There are a lot of people who don’t know what I am talking about now. . .

I’m talking about first century Christian. I know a ton of people who talk it, but I wonder how other people thing about what they are saying. I speak of a grace, but what does that mean to somebody else. When I say washed in the blood, this statement might be a bit peculiar to some (although it might be cool to watch a movie with a blood bath!!!! That’s hardcore!). I hate the fact that I am stuck with first century clichés to explain the deep yearning in my soul for people. I hate that I have a problem communicating to people who don’t have a bit of interest in God, people who have no desire to go to a Sunday school class.

I was approached with a thought the other day that I didn’t quite agree with. For years I’ve heard, “the message never changes, but the methods do.” I heard somebody say the message had to change. Maybe I should go and preach and make disciples and baptize? Maybe I should go and talk to people and create a family of friends and love them. The heart and soul of what Jesus did all those years ago is still alive in all we live and breathe, please don’t misunderstand me. I’m just curious to see what this looks like today. I’m sure it takes on many different forms; there are so many different people on the face of the planet. I heard Rich Mullins say that if you took what every Christian movement from every country in the world that every verse in the Bible would be underlined. So why must I be stuck with what I’ve been taught since I was born? Why must I be set to think what a church looks like? Why must I be set to think what a “real” Christian fellow or fellowess looks like? Granted there are some things that are blatant and obvious. Actions should be immersed in love for community and God; actions should also be agreeable to what resources we have access to today (the Bible, teachings from theologians, mistakes and success made by others in the past).

I’m just tired of being stuck. I’m ready to learn. I’m ready to learn a new language. I’m ready to think differently then I think now (not leaving my thoughts and ideals altogether, but viewing things from an additional perspective).

I’m ready to awaken from the moonlit sky and find my sunrise!

Grace and Peace,

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find my voice

The moon’s so bright it casts a shadow
Here I find my rest
In the shelter of a palm tree
Near the apartment back door
Thinking about the shadows
Casted by the moonlight
Thinking about those dark shadows
Casted by the trees

Speak, O Darkness, Speak into a life
That finds some solace in your shadow
Speak, o bright reflection of the sun, speak
Into a soul that is gripped by fear
Say, o shadow, say
Where I can find my voice
Grant me peace
So my soul can rise again

In the morning

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I’m watching her speak as she makes her claim
I cannot hear a word she’s saying
I’m watching her as she moves her mouth
I cannot find my peace in this place

I cannot find my peace here
I cannot find my peace here
I tried so hard but it’s not here to find
I cannot find my peace

Played out in my mind
Never made to existence
Played out in fake life
Maybe this is unlike
Real conversation

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