Archive for December 2008

My Last Day of Sales

My Last Day of Sales
I couldn’t sleep; nope I couldn’t sleep a wink.
I awoke to the sound of a dim scratchy beep.
I couldn’t believe the time, but I had to get some gas.
It was my final work day working AT&T at last!
I ran down the stairs and jumped into my car.
I bolted out the driveway, but not very far.
I left my backpack at the house and had to get it fast.
I was late for my final work day working AT&T at last!
The day breezed by, I didn’t realize the time.
I handed in my key and cancelled my employee phone line.
I said my goodbyes and reminisced about the past.
I walked out of my final work day working AT&T at last!
My time at the company was enjoyable. I learned tons about my life and how to handle much responsibility. I learned and improved skill sets that I was lacking a couple years ago. Thanks to all the friends who listened to me gripe and complain and contemplate my years at the major cell phone provider. I know it is time to move on, and look forward to what is in my future at Southeastern University.
I need to go. Breakfast is ready!

Grace and Peace,

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Yet Another Lakeside Revelation

My eyes are a bit watery. I don't know if this is because I am sad or if it because it is 3 AM and I have yet to acrue enough hours to consider what I just did "sleep." There is a bench on lake hollingsworth halfway between Florida Southern Campus and Lake Hollingsworth Apartments that I will sometimes go for peace and solitude. Tonight, however, I decided to sit on the (what seems to be public) dock next to it. The moon is so bright, and the light breeze over the water makes the reflection distort and shimmer. It is a lovely sight. It almost looked like an arrow or finger stretched out toward me and calling me to remember what really matters. I remembered all of my friends who are in need of a miracle in their lives. I remembered their stories of struggle and desperation. I then paused to pray for them. 

"God, forgive me because sometimes I am so selfish that I forget them and their stories. Their hope is my hope. My hope is their hope. Emerse them with peace and balance. Comfort them with Your love and the love of their closest friends. May they rejoice in their time of struggle despite the tears of desperation. I pray they don't pick up destructive means of release, but instead lead them to a constructive habit. Help me to play my role in their lives rightly with patience and peace. Amen."

There are clouds passing over the moon now. I think I've figure out why I can't sleep. It was those terrible chicken wings from Zaxby's I ate tonight. I guess that is my cue to get out of here and back to the apt.

Grace and Peace,

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