Archive for March 2008

Wrap Your Mind Around THat!

Imagine with me existence!

The process of becoming, being, and continuing to be.

I was driving away from the Panama City Starbucks [happiness and place of joy] thinking about an interaction in the Bible where a man approaches Jesus for wisdom. The texts doesn’t quite say that specifically, but that is what happens in the end. First he approaches Jesus and states he is a teacher who knows much more than he does. This man coming to Jesus is not a dumb man; in fact, he was more than just a well studied man, but scripture calls him a "ruler of the Jews" meaning he was the smartest of the smartest. This man was part of the elite. He was known to have sound knowledge of not just physical tangible things, but also heavenly things (pretty smart dude). He recognizes Jesus and calls him "Rabbi" or literally "Master." So he knows what he is getting into. Jesus looks at him and says very plainly in a language he can understand, "Hey man, you have got to see things from a new perspective in order for you to see the big picture." I know he didn’t say that exactly, but work with me here. . .

Jesus actually said that he must be "born again." This very intelligent guy could not wrap his head around that (I finally got that. . . wrap head around it. . . put it in your brain. . . it all makes sense now!), so he asks Jesus if he needed to call up mom and have a very peculiar chat with her. Jesus said, "not so much." He makes reference to "water" and "spirit."

"Water". . . in Genesis 1:2. . . the earth was formless and the Spirit hovered over it. . . our bodies are primarily water. . .

"Spirit". . . Essence. . . Thought. . . Intention. . . Vision of things beyond what you can put your hands on. . .

Essentially Jesus is speaking to this intelligent man in a way he could understand what it would be like to be a Christian. He still could not understand mainly because something was still missing in his life. . . the rebirth.

Birth is an interesting process. We spend only a fraction of our life in the birthing process, however, this is where we become whatever exactly it is we are. As we are becoming born, we have no perception of what is outside. I personally have no memories of birth, and I would like to meet someone who does (we would probably have interesting conversation on either side of the state hospital visiting area bars. . . that means they’re crazy). After we are born our minds open to what is around us. . . we are aware! We see there are greater things than the inside of wherever exactly we came from. As we grow up we gain a deeper understanding of life and just a hint of what goes on in this universe around us. Our perception changes over the course of our lives. We go from one perspective when we were a child to a completely different perspective as we grow older.

Jesus said he had to be "born again" before he could actually see and hear and feel and (fundamentally) perceive God! He had to be born physically (of water) and born spiritually (of spirit).

The smart guy still did not get it!

So Jesus says. . . alright, I understand you don’t get it, you’re not quite born spiritually yet so I’ll go ahead and show you the big picture. God sent me to allow you guys to perceive God. You are not alive spiritually, but by the time everything is said and done, I will make a way for you to be awakened and view your actions through my perspective. When you’ve come to that place. . . tell me what you think.

Jesus says here that people who love being dead to their actions (living in darkness) will despise me and people who are curious enough will want to do good and change their life and impact others much like what he did with that smart guy and some sick people and some failures and some prostitutes and soooo many others.

The terminology being "born again" simply invites the thought of a change of perspective: going from no thought at all to actually having thought (doesn’t make too much sense, but read on), going from darkness to light, going from living for yourself to living for something much larger. . bigger. . . grander. . . "God’s Kingdom". . . "God’s Will". . . your specific purpose for existence. . . or whatever you call it.

See you don’t truly exist spiritually until you live for your greater purpose, God’s greater purpose for your life!

Basically you are not even alive if you aren’t enlightened to this purpose.

Enjoy the thought


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